A Sweet Home Chicago Novel fiction series, we designed and formatted for published author, Abby Matisse, for paperback and ebook sales and distribution. 
Definitive Guide (TM) books are typically 72 page books which the CyberEdge Group LLC provides through CyberEdge Publishing, to their cyber security business clients, used for promoting their niche in business world. I've designed and formatted over 50 books in this series.
This Education themed book series by Dr. George P. Waldheim, has 7 books in the series for which I designed and completed covers and interiors for publishing, in paperback, hardcover and  Ebook formats. 
SOS (TM) books published by Lynn Clark, Ph.D. is a series of books we designed and formatted for paperback and ebook distribution. Lynn Clark also has a KIT that accompanies the books with CDs and DVDs. The Books and KITS come in English and Spanish editions. There are several different themes for this series.
Taos Institute Publications is a publishing company for career professionals in the area of interpersonal relationships, whether personal or career related. I designed and produced cover and book interiors for the 3 different book series: Focus Books, Tempo Series, and Books for the Professonal. We completed about 40 books for this publisher, including second editions.
These samples are to show the layout "jackets" or covers for paperback printing. We also set up books for hardcover. The cover is a single pdf document which includes the front on the right side, the back on the left, and the spine in the middle. The setup besides including back cover text and barcodes, is sized per the printers' specifications for "color bleeds", the page count, the book trim size, and the paper choice for the interior book pages, saved in the proper pdf profile. We provide print-ready our clients perfectly setup files. The front covers are then used for the ebook production. 
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